Assistance with Attending Events

Our support workers can assist Participants with access to events, provide transport and support to attend.

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What is Assistance with Attending Events?

Tee Care Agency provides Travel and Transport Assistance for NDIS participants to achieve their plan goals such as community enagement and we provide this service along with other services, not as a standalone service.

Participants generally access funding through NDIS for transport assistance if they can’t use public transport without substantial difficulty due to disability.  

Travel assistance allows participants to complete daily tasks and meets their need to live a sustainable life.

Tee Care Agency can help you improve your daily living, including the following tasks:

  • Learn to use public transport,
  • Go grocery shopping with your Support Worker,
  • Visit your local chemist to pick up your prescriptions,
  • Attend your appointments,
  • Get involved in your community by attending events, groups, or clubs,
  • Visit the park or library.

We are here to assist you in your journey.

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